Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Summer Urban Missions®
A summer missions opportunity that allows you to impact the lives of children in urban centers of the United States – reaching the affluent child who doesn’t think he needs God and also the impoverished child who has nothing and is groping for something of value.
Is SUM for you?
SUM is “front line” evangelism – teaching God’s Word to boys and girls on their turf. SUM may also include vacation Bible schools, sports activities, tent and street evangelism and cross-cultural ministries. You’ll have a partner and work in teams. You’ll be able to see God work in and through your life and experience the joy of seeing lives changed!
Who can go?
Those who will be seniors in high school or college-age young people may apply. To qualify, each individual must be willing to raise support and complete the necessary training.
For how long?
In June , you’ll receive training in one of the SUM cities followed by five weeks of service. In August , you’ll return to CEF® International Headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri for a recap.
Locations and cost.
Your budget will be approximately $3,000 USD (subject to airfare). This amount includes all transportation, training and materials, deputation letters and prayer cards, field expenses (housing, meals, etc.) and, if all your support is raised, a weekly salary of $250 USD . To keep field costs down, you’ll be staying with a Christian family in the area.
How can I raise support?
Through prayer letters and personal visits, you contact your family, friends and church. You ask if they’d like to become personally involved by prayerfully and financially supporting you. Then, you have the wonderful opportunity to watch the Lord provide!