This fall in the Nampa school district we have two After School – Good News Clubs meeting. In January we are praying for two more to start, will you join with us as we pray for these clubs to start. Rich Wise the local director for the Treasure Valley is not only praying for these clubs but is praying for three new clubs to start ever year for the next three years. That would mean at the end of this school year four clubs would be meeting and starting next fall we would work for three new clubs to start. In three years 13 clubs would be meeting in the Nampa School District that would be a Club in every school. It will not only take volunteers in the clubs but at least one coordinator to help over see the clubs.
At the State office I am praying for another part time worker for the Treasure Valley Chapter and in the Top Ten Counties Chapter. Eastern Idaho is in need of a local director. In the next three years we are praying for three new staff in the State. Will you join with us?
We need your prayers and support to accomplish this! When you see a school bus will you remember to pray for the children. As we look to the new year the state office is in need of $500.00 a month in support. This past year some new supporters have joined us but others have had to drop back and a major donor had to step back as well. Will you join with us in prayer for the financial needs. If you are able to give today or start giving send a check to CEF of Idaho, PO BOX 427, Nampa, ID 83653 or click on the button below.
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